Rank | Persistence Name | Market cap | Price | Volume (24h) | Circulating Supply | Change (24h) | Price Graph (7d) |
454 | 454 Persistence | $19,337,473 | $0.09062927 | $3,031,547 | 213,368,952.26XPRT | 0.44% |
Persistence XPRT Price 0.09062927
What is persistence? Persistence has a Proof-of-Stake chain that is powered by the Tendermint BFT consensus engine. Persistence operates at the confluence of DeFi, NFTs, and Proof-of-Stake and currently consists of 5 applications some of which are live and some of which will be. How many coins are in circulation? The launch of the Persistence Core-1 Mainnet had a large amount of supply. There will be a maximum over the next 15 years. Prior to founding Persistence, Tushar was the first employee at a traditional Singapore VC and helped set up the fund which was the first regulated Crypto VC fund in Southeast Asia. Persistence is a 25 member team that includes developers from the most premiere tech institute in India, as well as other top technology institutions of India.
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XPRT Statistics
XPRT Price
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
1 квітня 2021 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $0.54199358
90 Day High / Low
/ $0.54199358
30 Day High / Low
/ $0.54199358
7 Day High / Low
/ $0.57771068
24 Hour High / Low
/ $0.57771068
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $0.58183051
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $0.58205504
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume
Rank 454
XPRT Statistics
XPRT Price
Market rank
Market cap
24 Hour Volume
C-g Supply
Total supply
All Time High
4 грудня 2022 р.
All Time Low
1 квітня 2021 р.
52 Week High / Low
/ $0.54199358
90 Day High / Low
/ $0.54199358
30 Day High / Low
/ $0.54199358
7 Day High / Low
/ $0.57771068
24 Hour High / Low
/ $0.57771068
Yesterday2 H / L
/ $0.58183051
Yesterday2 O / C
/ $0.58205504
Yesterday2 Change
Yesterday2 Volume